Sustainability is at the heart of what we do at the BDC. We prioritise that which is most important to us: our people and our community – both locally as well as across the industry – and the planet. If you’re exhibiting at the BDC, you can help create more environmentally friendly events by sharing the following advice with your team.

Events can have a significant impact on the environment and the local community. Here at the Business Design Centre, we are working with event organisers and their exhibitors to deliver more sustainable events. The venue has signed up to the Net Zero Carbon Events (NZCE), an industry initiative to address climate change and has pledged to reach Net Zero by 2030.

Please consider the following 5 Rs when planning and designing your stand. REFUSE to purchase products or materials which originate from another country and think about a more sustainable option sourced locally. REDUCE the use of harmful, wasteful and non-recyclable products or materials. REUSE products and materials from previous events. REPURPOSE by choosing those that can be RECYCLED or upcycled.

We have created a quick guide to help you, as an exhibitor, make meaningful choices in order to reduce your own carbon footprint and therefore help combat climate change through harmful emissions.  Take a look below for some things to think about and look out for… 

Your Stand Design & Build Contractors

Are they part of an industry body such as ESSA or a membership organisation like isla?

Are they using more sustainable construction materials, furniture and signage?

Can the stand materials be stored and reused? Check if the branding is undated.

Have they considered accessibility when planning your stand requirements?

Staff Travel & Accommodation

Plan the most eco-friendly travel options, either by public transport or by car-sharing.

Is your hotel situated close to the venue in order to avoid excessive travel? Do they have sustainability plans?

Does the hotel have green credentials such as Green Growth 2050?

See our guide to local accommodation here and explore options nearby the venue.

Purchasing Products for Your Stand

Think about the 5 Rs above: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle.

Promotional Materials – Look for accredited suppliers e.g. Fairtrade, B Corp and Rainforest Alliance

Consider e-gift bags over traditional SWAG bags or other ways to engage during or post event.

Logistics Provider

Does your provider consolidate transport to minimise the number of trips made?

Do they consider the reusability of their packaging? Any packaging from their deliveries must be taken away.

Do they measure their carbon emissions and specifically the carbon emissions of your choices?

Food & Drink

Select brands that use compostable and recyclable packaging, considering the volume to reduce waste.

Try and use brands certified with sustainability credential, for example: Fairtrade, B Corp, Red Tractor and Soil Association

Choose locally sourced produce – for stand orders please contact our catering team at The Good Eating Company.

Serve food in compostable packaging – talk to us about the options we can help with.

Please do not bring single use plastic cups or bottles, we don’t allow these at events and you will be asked to take them away.

Energy Consumption

Consider what electrical items you will be bringing for your stand and what power they consume. 
Think energy efficient.

Choose LED lighting. Spot and flood lights at the BDC are all LED lights – think about this when you are choosing your space only stand build.

Avoid using electrical items that require 24 hour power, unless this is absolutely necessary. 
All stand power will be switched off over night.


Plan how accessible you stand will be and consider print sizes and smart tech for those with additional needs.

Check your contactor’s social approaches around DE&I and good working conditions. 

Would you like to support the community nearby the event? Reach out to the venue who will be able to tell you more on how you may be able to do this. 


All waste produced on your stand needs to be removed from the venue by you or your stand contractor.

Think again about the 5 Rs a
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle.

Encourage your staff to recycle responsibly and use the correct bins around the venue.

Donate any unwanted items to local charities via schemes such as A Good Thing.

Talk to us today about hosting your event.
Call +44 (0)207 288 6424 or enquire online