Health Optimisation Summit 2025

World-leading keynotes: 3 stages hosting 35 global health game changers, sharing cutting-edge and thought provoking research, knowledge & takeaways that haven’t hit the mainstream.

The health industry has become a sickness industry. More people are chronically ill and on medications than in the history of mankind. There’s as much misinformation as there are pills for every ill, and new health ‘celebrities’, treatments, conferences, and diets have been appearing like never before. While there are some stunning successes, generally they can be very focal, disjointed, and not tackling the issue from a high enough level. It’s time to centralise, join forces, and break down barriers with The Health Optimisation Summit. 

On Stage

13th September 2025 (9:00 am to 7:00 pm)
14th September 2025 (9:00 am to 4:00 pm)

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Health Optimisation Summit
23 High Street, Bagshot, Surrey, GU19 5AF, United Kingdom

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