The BDC is proud to share a selection of the feedback we receive from our resident businesses in our last video series, Design at the BDC.

BDC is a fantastic building, it has great history and it's also got great people that work for the organisation.

We have been in the BDC for more than a decade and it is nice as it is a vibrant environment, with shows every week.

I love the BDC because I love the building, I love the concierge, I love the team, it's a great community and everyone is always looking out for you.

BDC is such a collaborative environment and it is very dynamic.

It's just the fact that the designers know they are going to come here and find what they are looking for with fantastic companies all around us.

We think it will be a very bright future at the BDC, we are looking forward to meeting new architects and customers, who can actually see full representation of our colours and see bigger samples.

Talk to us today about showroom or office space.
Call +44 (0)207 288 6718 or enquire online