We have long held sustainability at the heart of our operations. There's more to it than our footprint though.

Our Ethos

We are lucky as an events venue to be given a platform to educate, influence and share our knowledge with those who enter our doors as well as working closely alongside the wider industry. We intend to continue in facilitating change to benefit our environment and aim to serve as an example of good business for a better future.

The steps we have taken to improve our impact on the planet have been recognised within the events industry and further. We have received recognition with multiple awards, including the Exhibition News (EN) CSR Award in both 2018 and 2019, and more recently the EN ESG Award in 2022, which we took immense pride in winning.

Our sustainable practices do not stop at the doors of the BDC, but with the team at the Climate Impact Partners, we have invested in developing international communities, ensuring we work towards achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. We are constantly looking for ways to benefit the world and help where we can, and that will remain a key objective of the BDC’s focus each year.

For over thirteen years now, the BDC has been a certified carbon neutral venue. We maintain key commitments, such as sending zero waste to landfill and using 100% renewable electricity for the building, all the while offsetting any residual carbon emissions we cannot avoid. You can read more about this journey in our carbon neutral section.

We are looking forward to reducing our carbon footprint even further over the next few years, as we meet our goal to reach net zero emissions before 2030.

Our Policy

Working with ecollective in advancing our journey to achieving Net-Zero by the end of 2030 has been a key focus in 2022. Alongside this however, we have set out significant targets to also work towards this year.

We strive to reduce our waste, which is something we share with those coming to the BDC, whilst improving the level of waste being recycled or composted. This is also in alignment with sending zero waste to landfill, and instead identifying cleaner ways to dispose of waste materials. We also place great attention to promoting more environmentally-friendly methods of transport through our bike storage and shower facilities and extended electric vehicle charging stations throughout our car park and loading bay.

We’re in the process of updating our sustainability policy. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your own, please get in touch with us by email at environmentalimpact@bdc.london. 


Whilst we have a strong focus on the BDC and our level of sustainability, we love to support projects within the local community and beyond.

We conceived ‘Donate Not Waste’ many years ago; an initiative that helps clients and our team to recycle business waste by donating items that can be used to charities, schools, and play centres. We often send stationery, display materials, boxes and other practical items that are no longer needed, to good homes and advocate in not letting resuable items end in up in the bin.

Recycling Bins

Some of our old furniture has gone on to good homes in local youth centres, kitchen equipment to a local church and hoodies and t-shirts to a local dance group. We invite anyone to contact us if they would willing receive such goods and likewise if they have such things they would like us to help find a good place to go to. We are constantly working to seek out initiatives that we can be active and hands-on in, looking out for the community surrounding us and helping those in need.

More recently, we have established a connection with A Good Thing, who have enabled to us to reach further than our established network in the community. A Good Thing runs an online platform that allows businesses (of any size and of any type) to quickly and easily give things away to local charities – meaning less waste and more support for good causes. The idea is simple: businesses have reusable or new items they no longer need, while many charities are in need of more resources. So far we have made donations of notebooks and new shoes donated post event and are working to better connect those who use the venue with A Good Thing.